Register and pay via Zelle!

    Student First Name*

    Student Last Name*


    Parent's name

    Cell Phone Number*

    How did you hear about us?*

    What session would you like to attend?

    If you withdraw 30 days or more before the camp date, you will receive a refund for the total amount minus $25 processing fee. The payment will de refunded to the card used for the payment or back to your Zelle account.

    Withdrawing within 7 days of the camp start date, you will not receive a refund or credit.

    There will be no makeup days or credit for absences.

    If there is any medical conditions we should know about, please let us know.

    By signing your name below, you acknowledge that you have read and understood the policies of New World Music School and agree to abide by them.*




    • Log in to your Zelle account using the Zelle mobile app or your bank's online banking platform.

    • Navigate to the "Send Money" or "Make a Payment" section.

    • Enter New World's Music School's phone number: (407) 673-2462

    • Enter the total amount for the number of classes you are signing up for the summer camp and confirm the transaction.

    • Please note that there is no fee for Zelle payments.

    • Once the payment has been successfully processed, should confirm the receipt of your payment.

    • Hit submit after payment via Zelle

    I confirm that I have paid the correct amount via Zelle